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From IronWiki
Name Race (type) Hitpoints Experience Location Loot
Munster Animal 75 90 Thais Sewers Gold Coin (1), Cheese (1-5), Present
The Den Mother Animal ? 43 Bear Cave near PoH Fish, Meat (1-4), Ham (1-4)
Bigga Gubba Troll ? ? Thais Troll Caves Gold Coin (1), Fish, Green Mushroom (1-5), Bunch Of Wheat (1-4), Studded Armor
Slusher Troll ? 95 Thais Troll Caves Gold Coin (1), Fish, Katana
Green Mean Troll ? ? South Goblin Caves ?
Trolliver Troll ? ? Thais Troll Caves Gold Coin (1), Bunch Of Wheat (1-4), Leather Helmet
File:Silvertoe.png Silvertoe Human ? ? Outlaw Camp Gold Coin (1), Fish, Two Handed Sword, Doublet, Chain Helmet, Protective Amulet
File:Grof.png Grof Human ? 395 Outlaw Camp Gold Coin (1), Meat (1-5), Battle Hammer, Brass Armor, Copper Shield
File:Gamel.png Gamel Human ? ? Outlaw Camp Gold Coin (1-2), Fish, Dark Armor, Throwing Star
The Hermit Human ? 330 Hoggle House east of Thais Gold Coin (1), Salmon (1-5), Red Bag
File:Xenia.png Xenia Human ? 420 Amazon Camp Gold Coin (1), Skull (1-3), Brown Bread (1-8), Apple, Morning Star, Yellow Backpack
Wyda Human ? 625 Wyda's Hut Gold Coin (1), Broom, Cheese (1-2), Brown Mushroom (1-7), Cookies (1-15), Cape
Ekatrix Human ? 450 Witch Hill Femor Hills Gold Coin (1), Broom, Cheese, Cookies (1-15), Silver Dagger, Serpent Sword, Black Shield, Silver Amulet, Ruby, Purple Bag
Yaga the Crone Human ? 600 Witch Prison south from Carlin Gold Coin (1), Broom, Cookies (1-15), Silver Dagger, Poison Dagger, Serpent Sword, Clerical Mace, Dark Armor, Ruby
File:Arthom.png Arthom Human ? 375 Bandit Camp east from Carlin Gold Coin (1), Fish, Roll, Rope, Torch, Spike Sword, Scale Armor, Brass Helmet, Leather Legs, Throwing Star
File:Athena.png Athena Human ? ? Carlin Gold Coin (1), Skull, Apple (1-9), Carlin Sword, Plate Armor, Protection Amulet
Grand Sommelier Human ? 330 Dark Cathedral Gold Coin (1-4), Empty Bottle, Bottle of Ale, Bunch Of Wheat(1-5), Scythe, Brass Legs, Purple Backpack
File:WardenDarkwell.png Warden Darkwell Human ? 888 Dark Cathedral Gold Coin (1-4), Wooden Hammer, Torch, Decomposing Fish (1-4), Blueberries (1-35), Dark Mushroom (1-2), Dark Shield, Time Ring, Purple Backpack
Lugri Human ? ? Hellgate Gold Coin (1-2), Skull, Coconut (1-2), Bread, Rapier, Serpent Sword Dark Armor, Dark Shield, Dark Helmet, Silver Amulet, Life Ring, Green Bag, Purple Bag, Boots of Haste
Oracle Human ? 1550 Rookgard Undead area Skull, Bone, Katana, Cape, Blue Robe, Ruby
File:Arnold.png Arnold Human ? ? Venore Gold Coin (1-3), Rope, Lamp, Halberd, Dragon Hammer, Dark Armor, Noble Armor, Dark Helmet, Boots of Haste, Ruby
Adrenius Human ? 1950 Venore Gold Coin (1-3), Brown Mushroom (1-3), Bread (1-5), Skull, Bone, Knife, Iron Mace, Boots of Haste, Garlic Necklace, Emerald, Purple Backpack
File:TemplarGeoffrey.png Templar Geoffrey Human ? 4k+ Senja Gold Coin (1-3), Ham (1-4), Silver Mace, Noble Armor, Steel Helmet, Ruby, Golden Backpack
Ooze Elemental 450 2200 Ab'dendriel Swamp -
Lava Elemental Elemental ? 595 Fire Devil hell in Kazordoon -
The Butcher Orc ? 325 Orc Fortress Gold Coin (1), Halberd, Double Axe, Chain Armor, Scale Armor, Rotten Meat
The Chef Orc 150 80 Orc Fortress Gold Coin (1), Meat (1-3), Scale armor, Golden Sickle, Blue Backpack
Leader Ruzad Orc ? 1550 Orc Fortress Gold Coin (1), Plate Armor, Protective Amulet, Dark Helmet, Steel Shield, Spike Sword, Bright Sword
Sorcerer Abaal Orc ? 1230 Orc Fortress Gold Coin (1), Coconut, Dark Helmet, Staff, Scythe, Strange Talisman, Ruby, Blue Robe
Commander Bolg Orc ? 2100 Greenshore Gold Coin (1), Ham (1-4), Boots of Haste, Blue Backpack
Commander Targ Orc ? ? Venore Gold Coin(1), Meat (1-3), Dwarven Axe, Plate Legs, Blue Backpack
Blind Orc Orc ? 335 Rookgard Gold Coin (1), Meat, Brass Armor, Arrows (4-41), Silver Amulet, Purple Bag, Blue Bag
Vargoc Orc ? 528 Rookgard Gold Coin (1), Fishbone, Plate Armor, Dark Helmet, Spear, Protective Amulet, Life Ring
Alebeard Dwarf 175 250 Around the world Gold Coin (1), White mushroom, Letter, Brass Armor, Broadsword, Pot, Bottle of Whisky, Grey Backpack
Toll Collector Dwarf ? ? Kazordoon Gold Coin (1-3), Viking Shield, Amethyst, Ruby, Golden Bag
The Stonewarden Dwarf ? 1200 Mines Gold Coin (1-3), Pear (1-10), Wood Mushroom (1-2), Leather Boots Viking Shield, Ancient Shield, Noble Armor, Strange Helmet, Morning Star, Dragon Hammer, Ruby
Durin Brewdigger Dwarf ? ? ? Gold Coin (1), White mushroom (1-10), Bottle of Ale, Dragon Hammer, Silver Mace, Viking Shield, Dwarven Shield, Steel Helmet, Noble Armor, Protective Amulet, Bottle of Whisky, Grey Bag, Grey Backpack
Borin Brewdigger Dwarf ? ? Mines Gold Coin (1-4), White mushroom (1-10), Bottle of Ale, Hatchet, Dwarven Axe, Steel Shield, Steel Helmet, Plate Armor, Plate Legs, Protective Amulet, Bottle of Whisky, Grey Backpack
Thrain Brewdigger Dwarf ? ? Mines Gold Coin (1), Spike Sword, Noble Armor, Steel Shield, Steel Helmet, Bottle of Whisky, Grey Bag
Solveig Brewdigger Dwarf ? ? Stoneheim Gold Coin (1-2), White mushroom (1-10), Tomato (1-15), Bright Sword, Steel Shield, Steel Helmet, Plate Armor, Protective Amulet, Bottle of Whisky, Grey Backpack
Captain Ulric Dwarf ? 1490 Abandoned Kazordoon Gold Coin (1), Red Mushroom (1-5), Dwarven Shield, Plate Armor, Plate Legs, Sword Ring, Bottle of Whisky
Bullwark Minotaur ? 375 Mintwallin Gold Coin (1-2), Shovel, Double Axe, Knight Axe, Bronze Amulet, Protective Amulet, Green Backpack
General Murius Minotaur ? ? Mintwallin Gold Coin (1), Fish, Battle Axe, Knight Axe, Dark Helmet, Plate Legs
The Horned Fox Minotaur ? ? Mintwallin Gold Coin (1-2), Fish, Battle Axe, Knight Axe, Dark Helmet, Brass Armor, Chain Legs, Plate Legs
Markwin Minotaur ? 1150 Mintwallin Gold Coin (1), Carrot (1-17), Serpent Sword, Steel Helmet, Scarf, Platinum Amulet, Prism, Purple Bag
Asrak Minotaur 2200 1250 Venore Gold Coin (1-3), Dragon Ham, Fishing Rod, Dragon Hammer, Ruby, Green Backpack
Mornenion Elf ? ? Ab'Dendriel Gold Coin (1), Cherry (1-6), Arrow, Spike Sword, Studded Legs, Red Bag
The Overseer Elf ? 450 Ab'Dendriel Melon (1, 2x1), Arrow, inkwell, Sandals, Dark Armor, Brass Legs
Elder Druid Elf 1475 ? Folda Gold Coin (1-4), Meat (1-8), Ham (1-7), Book, Leather Helmet, Leather Legs, Leather Armor, Prism, Emerald
Warden Valarian Elf ? ? Shadowthorn Gold Coin (1-5), Prism (1-6), Mana Gems (1-7), Fire Sword, Fire Axe, Fire Frail
Teleskor Undead ? ? Plains of Havoc Gold Coin (1-4), White mushroom (1-2), Scimitar, Copper Shield, Chain Legs
Pindleskin Undead ? 650 Carlin Cementary Gold Coin (1-4), Skull, Torch (1-4), Two Handed Sword, Chain Armor, Plate Armor, Viking Helmet, Steel Helmet Protective Amulet
The Minstrel Undead ? 275 Mount Sternum caves Rapier
Maze Guardian Undead ? 800 Ancient Temple Blank Paper, Shadow Herb, Coconut (1-2), Combat Dagger, Cape, Sandals
Smiley Undead ? 1165 Venore Gold Coin (1-3), Skull, Lyre, Baking Tray, Flour (1-15), Battle Shield, Dark Helmet, Ruby
Captain Fearless Undead ? ? Venore Gold Coin (1-3), Small Stone (1-7), Fishbone, Skull, Decomposing Fish (1-2), Fishing Rod, Plate Armor, Bottle of Whisky
Chatterbone Undead ? 1111 Venore Gold Coin (1-3), Knife, Serpent Sword, Ancient Shield, Scale Armor, Strange Helmet, Amethyst
File:Silthra.png Silthra Undead ? ? Ghostlands Banshee Gold Coin (1-4), Mirror, Candlestick, Dirty Cape, Silver Mace, Wedding Ring, Crystal Ring, Ring of Healing
Lord Voltemat Undead ? 4k+ Senja Gold Coin (1-4), Grave Flower, Flour (1-15), Katana, Bright Sword, Dark Shield, Strange Helmet, Life Ring, Garlic Necklace
Hillock Giant ? 1950 Mines Gold Coin (1-3), Meat (1-3) Katana, Two Handed Sword, Broadsword, Double Axe, Dark Shield, Ancient Shield, Plate Armor, Plate Legs, Dark Helmet
Grorlam Giant ? 12500 Cormaya Gold Coin (1-6), Mana Gem (1-6), Red Gem, Diamond, Crystal Ring, Axe Ring, Sword Ring, Club Ring, Small Stone (1-15), Stone
Berial Demon ? 1750 Fire Devil hell Gold Coin (1-3), Cleaver, Pitchfork, Red Mushroom (1-3), Dragon Hammer, Ancient Shield, Dark Helmet, Club Ring, Ruby
Old Widow Insect ? ? Cormaya Gold Coin (1-5), Plate Legs, Plate Armor, Noble Armor, Knight Legs, Time Ring, Steel Helmet, Brass Legs, Poison Arrow (1-9), Wood Mushroom, Dark Mushroom, Some Mushroom